Name: One Direction.
Zany, Louis, Niall, Harry, and Liam.
Hellow One Direction.We like your songs you sing very good and Zany haue19 year Louis 20 year
Niall 19 year Harry 16 year and Liam 20 year. already know that are
very famous and you born un ee uu and you sings for all the world .Iwant go to your concert.
Nadia i Amàlia
The plants for the night trow oxygen, to the plants the haue to water for the night. the plants are very nice. The plants have root, eat and drink for the roots. The plants breath for the leaves , have petals, have pollen and nectar. Have leaves, have a lot of colours.
Tania i Joana
CLIMB IS : go up to a
mountain for the slope hillside.
Climb in ice .
Climb (rock and ice)
This footwear stick
very good.
Harnes : used for tie the
rope and hold to the person in case of fall when descend.
The carabiner are of brass rectangular with a part mobile
that open and close for which
cross the rope and close.
The tape express:
The tape express are a
piece of each extreme a carabiner hook to the
Used for safe if fall.
Amalia Cid Albesa 8 years old

Tània Obiols Espinasa 8 años
2n Cicle Inisial escola Sant Jordi Aldover.
1.COLLECT: In house
separate the rubbish
in two groups, the
organic and the
the organic go
the waste of
food, of garden.
metal, wood, plastic, aluminium. etc.
here receive the residues.
separate the residue for the
sort of material and colour.
Recycle is
very important to
keep the world
clean and to breath better and if you not know recicling you can
look in internet.
Joana Cid Pegueroles 7 years
The planes are things very and
very nice can be differents colours blue, red, green and many colours and the people take the plane and go to towns
a long way and usually they are in the airport of the big towns to the
outskirts of Barcelona, Taragona, Madrid and many towns more. Also they can be
talls or shorts and the man build the planes with special materials and they take long time to make
the planes because they are readay for this.
Nadia Sabater
A long time ago a princess
that lived in a castle and a dragon. And a knight want to save to the princess.
When arrive the knight, kill the dragon and grow a rose from the blood of the
dragon, and the rose is very nice and Saint Jorge the take and the give to the
princess and the princess is very happy, and after they are very happy and make
a big party. Other day the knight and leave to the princess go up to the horse and go to live
together. In the castle was the king very happy to look to the princess
and Saint Jorge. And other day come Saint Jorge and go to the party.
Amalia Cid i Nadia Sabater
The cocodriles are a family of sauropodos commonly knwon as cocodriles. Includes fourteen semiaquatic species, aligators, cocodriles and caimanes, the true cocodriles "ligatoridea family" and "cocodrilomorpha". Tropics places from Africa, America, Asia and Australia, the cocodriles live in sweet water like, rivers, lakes, humity places and salty water too. They eat mainly with vertebrates: fishes, reptiles, and mammals, and sometimes with invertebrates and mollusc and crustacean. Acording to the spiece appear the first time during the Eoceno, 55 millions years ago.Tania and Joana
There was one time some boys that play football. A boy shot so strong that the ball hang in a tree, and they can not take down the ball of the tree. The wind say I take down the ball to you blowing, but not work and the sun say I trakw down the ball to you with my heat and yes that work and finish the game of football and celebrate making a party of pijamas that speak of football and they win 11 to 10 almost lose but to the end need 30 seconds. I score the goal. We look the TV.
Amalia and Tania
Joana Cid
Some person go to some mountain of Africa. For the track find to a
squirrel very small, and they collect
the squirrel and go to the adventure. when they arrive to the adventure go to
play for the meadow and find a Cow ,a Owl. When the squirrel grow he live in a
wood, and they give food to the Cow and to the Owl go to clean the house. And
after they go to buy food and to cut the hair. And when they finish go to sleep
. The day following they wake and go to the wood to look the squirrel, the Cow
and the Owl for perfectly.
Amalia Cid
THE FARM by Nadia
The Family by Paula
The Squirrel
The squirrel live in a Wood with the another
animals and the squirrel enjoy a lot and arrive a man that take to the squirrel
and the other animals they go to rescue when arrive the see to that the
squirrel not is the man and appear suddenly a monster very big and they see to
the squirrel in a cage and they pick the squirrel and they run to the wood to
look for help ask to the lion to the jiraf to the tiger to the leopard to the
birds and the y defeat to the monster to the next day they make a big party
with food and a lot of drink and they enjoy and the squirrel enjoy a lot with
the friends of the wood and to the night they go to sleep all happy.
By Nadia
There was a time we go to a island is very guai, we go with a boat when we arrive to the island is all sand and we find a camel and go a tour of one hour. When we arrive tothe shore we see some dinosaures and Sanit Jorge with a sword to kill all. After we go to a cave and see bats and listen a invisible ghost and shout AAAAHHH!!!!. After we go out of the cave and we see a ballon and go flying. Other day we go to the desert and see a herd of dinosaures and come Saint Jorge and he hypnotize the dinosaures and we eat and see dolphins that jump for the sea nd we go with the boat to see the whale and the dolphins and they throw water to we, and we go to the house and we dinner and make popcorn and see a film. Tomorrow we read a tale of the island.
By Amalia and Tania
The invisible island and Saint Jorge
There was a time we go to a island is very guai, we go with a boat when we arrive to the island is all sand and we find a camel and go a tour of one hour. When we arrive tothe shore we see some dinosaures and Sanit Jorge with a sword to kill all. After we go to a cave and see bats and listen a invisible ghost and shout AAAAHHH!!!!. After we go out of the cave and we see a ballon and go flying. Other day we go to the desert and see a herd of dinosaures and come Saint Jorge and he hypnotize the dinosaures and we eat and see dolphins that jump for the sea nd we go with the boat to see the whale and the dolphins and they throw water to we, and we go to the house and we dinner and make popcorn and see a film. Tomorrow we read a tale of the island.
By Amalia and Tania