dimarts, 9 d’abril del 2013



The legend of an old city:

One upon a time in a city called Kukuxumusu there were some friends. They were Judit, Louis, Meritxell, Sean, Taylor and Harry. Taylor and Harry challenged to the other guys to go at the enchanted mansion for four days. The other boys accepted the challenge. Then Louis and Judit went to Judit’s house and prepared food, clothes, sleeping bags and other things for them four. When they finished preparing  all the things, they met with Meritxell and Sean. Taylor and Harry went with them up to the mansion.
When they entered to the house it was quiet place and they didn’t have fear. Judit was the most coward.
They came into the livingroom, this was very big and it was very dirty. The antigue propietaris of the house were very rich. There were some antic pictures on the wall, the doors did noise, the curtains were broken…but all the things seemed normal. Judit stoped to see an extrange picture and the other boys continued walking. She saw that the picture moved his eyes and the girl started to shouting. Sean, Louis and Meritxell heard to Judit and they stoped.
-        Where is Judit? - say Sean worryed.
-        I don’t know! - asked Meritxell.
-        I heard a shout. We must go to lookfor her, if you don’t want to go I’ll go to lookfor her.
-        Okay, you go to lookfor Judit and I’ll stay here with Sean. – say Meritxell.
Louis started to run until found Judit and he hugged her.
-        What’s happening? – he asked.
-        There were goshts. - said Judit.
-        Don’t worry. – said Louis and he hugged her.

After that Judit and Louis came with Meritxell and Sean. They were preparing the sleeping bags and the tent. It was ten o’clock at night and all the friends went to dinner. They dinner pizza and after that they entered in the tent and they went to sleep. At twelve o’clocck of the night the big cloock of the livingroom started to sound. Judit and Meritxell were slepping while the boys were talking about the house and all of they were afraided a lot. The boys went to the livingroom to saw what was happening. When they arrived there all was normal and they said to the girls to go went down. The girls went with the others and suddenly they heard a noise from the shelves and they discovered a secret corridor.
Meritxell and Judit said to the boys that they would go into the secret corridor while Louis and Sean were ckecking that everything still normal.
The two girls found a very estrange room with a lot of bodies, they were in their tombs and others were out of them. The girls started to screamed and the boys heard it and went to that place, there were hundred bodies or so. Then they discovered that this mansion was a big cementery and they wanted to go out of that place. The girls started to ran because they touched a rock and under it were a lot of big spiders. When the boys saw the spiders also started to run up to the door but the girls closed it.
-        Judit, Meritxell! Open the door! - screamed the boys frightened.
-        We can’t. – said Judit.
-        You must touch a black rock on your left. - said Meritxell.
Louis did it and the door opened very fast and they could get out from there.
It was five in the afternoon and all of they went to eat something, now the house seemed normal and in the garden it was nice, so they decided to go to the garden. It was very big and there were beautifull flowers, a lake, trees, birds and insects like bees and butterflys... and in the lake they found fishes and some ducks. everything there was amazing and beautifull. They also found a toboggan and a swing and they thought that in the mansion lived a family with little children. They was playing there like children untill the sky became black, and then they entered in the house and went to dinner macaroni. The next day at five o’clock in the afternoon they would leave the mansion and they would go with Harry and Taylor. At half past teen they went to sleep because they were very tired. At that night they didn’t heard any noise and any strange thing so they sleep very well. The next day in the morning Sean woke up at nine while the others were sleeping and he went to breakfast. Meri woke up teen minutes after Sean and went with him to brakfast milk with cereals. Louis and Judit were still sleeping together untill eleven o’clock. They passed the rest of the day very well and they didn’t saw any weird thing. At half past three the girls started to picked up all the things: the tent, the sleeping bags, food, dirty clothes…and all their things.
The cloock of the town sound five times and it significated that was five o’clock at the afternoon and they could leaved the house.
Out of the mansion were Taylor and Harry with a chocolate cake for them. The four friends went to eat it and after all of the persons went to Taylor’s house because Harry and she had preparate a surprise party for Sean, Meritxell, Judit and Louis with other friends. They where all day and all night in Taylor’s house. They danced, singed and swimming in the swimingpool. They enjoyed a lot and thanked Harry and Taylor for did that. At the end all the guys became inseparable friends and they went every time together.

Judit Pegueroles Mauri    14 years old.
Meritxell Sanabra Gil       13 years old.


I wait in the doctor's office. I have been soon and it is still dark. Well, exactly what prevents the sun to rise is a thick white fog. It moves from side to side driven by small gusts of wind, changing shape, acquiring a different form one each time. I look from the railing that separates the beach promenade and makes me angry not bringing the camera because the scenery is really different, spooky, lonely.
On the sand there is no trace, it is soft and shiny and every time the fog moves, looks out seawater, gray, calm, cold. Carefully observe the different shapes of clouds. Balloons, a chair, a waterfall that spills into the sea. There is something mysterious about this morning. I do not remember have see anything like ever. In the middle of the thick cotton progressed rapidly the silhouette of a man moving towards in front.

He walks absentminded looking at either side as if he is looking for something or someone. He is a strange man, yes, I would say that, at least, is strange. His hair is long and interwoven in he are a kind of large flowers. He wears a short skirt stirred in the breeze and he goes barefoot. "He looks like crazy," I say. When I do not see anyone around, and that's the case now, these people frighten me a bit rare.

He do not seems look to me, he walk absent and occasionally he leans over and he takes a handful of sand and he throws it overboard. I would say he says, or sings something, but I cannot hear him. Something pushes me to remove   my shoes and sand, it's magical, suddenly it has emerged. A moment ago I did not feel, but it is so strong that not even think about what I do, I just do.
The sand is hot on the surface but underneath is cold and wet, I walk slowly, I have the feeling that I sit on the beach but rather I slide two feet above and I am petite, the breeze envelops me and takes me toward the man that has not yet seen to me. It is rare because it comes to me and he is not so far. I can see his face, he is black with a slight beard a few days, he looks the sea, he is totally absent from me.

So close I see he have a kind of pouch pierced in the chest and hanging on the back. To my surprise of the bag protruding tips of a large light blue feathers. "How strange it all is!"
I'm about to give me around, but there is magic in the air and I need to approach the man. Way to meet him, he approaches me. His eyes are strangely absent, he seems do not see to me "Is he blind?" Still something pushes me to kit reach him.
When we are finally so close we could touch, he looks at me and smiles with an expression of happiness that fills my heart with immense joy. He says something, he is because he moves his lips, but the truth is I do not hear him.
I let go of an impulse born of the welfare state that I now feel towards him to embrace him. He pend long. His body is mixed with mine, he passes like some of the fog that surrounds us. I reach out and try to touch him, but my hand just traps air.
All my joy turns into panic. I look around and see no one, not the man, he has disappeared. At that moment a wave stronger than the other jumps and splashes me. I have not wet my pants are filled with water and become heavy, but I do not noticed wet.
I throw myself running and the fog seems to look to follow me and go faster than me, wrap me in the middle of a terrifying loneliness. I look like a pen light and fragile. I feel nothing, I see nothing than the fog and a light that illuminates me. I can hardly think. Finally I understand. I'm dead.


 Cati Prats

 Ariadna Gavaldà

and at that time I was very nervous. Shambhala is impressive, when you're going up to the top, going slow but then is dropped and the fall is awesome ... notes belly tickled. When I went up the tears were falling on me so fast I was going. I would like to go up again and again without stopping while I liked.

Just something to add......

Apareció como una sombra sobre nuestras cabezas, haciendo que el día se convirtiera en noche de repente…Los árboles nos ocultaban a su mirada……

Although we were confident there, but in a few minutes the tension started to grow. Nothing was moving there, we could hear the silence, but we could feel that something was approaching to us. The wind started to blow and a cold hand touch my neck. I closed my eyes, but I could also see the death. Suddenly my friend shouted and started to run. Someone shoot a gun and a bullet went straight my friend. She fall down in the floor. The blood surrounded her.

Carme Blanco

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