divendres, 10 de maig del 2013



My grandad in the year 1987 bought a mountain but only there was small house and everything else were trees, in the house there wasn’t rooms. After a year he cut all the trees. The were pine trees. After an hour my grandad rented to a man of black skin. The man called Ali but my dad dismissed him. My dad and I went to the shop. The shop was of machine, we bought a very big digger drive, I made a very big hole.

Isidre Cid Albesa    5st.


One morning, save friends were talking about a fight wrestling and they said that they went to see the wrestling. Alice didn’t want to go is violent.
DARWIN: Why don’t we go to the wrestling tonight?
ALICE: Because is violent and is for boys! I prefer to play football. That go to the ring.
DARWIN: Come on! Come with us to the ring and tomorrow morning we will play football with you.
ALICE: All right! I will go with you to the ring.
DARWIN: Mum! I want go to see the fight tonight with my friends.
MERY: Yes! But after you will do your homework.
DARWIN: All right!
Everybody went to the ring to see the fight of the night.
REFEREE: RING,RING ,RING…The fight can start! And can come in Mr.Jonsina and Mr.Rendy Orton!
JONSINA: Wow, what a beat!
R.ORTON: You want win me!
JONSINA: I have to win.
R.ORTON: How can you say that I have lost if still you are not the winner.
JONSINA: I have lost.
R.ORTON: Didn’t happen to me. Because we are good friends.
DARWIN: It has been incredible the yesterday’s night ring!

ALICE: Do you remember that you have to play football’s game ? You promise yesterday!
DARWIN: Come on to start the game!
They started the game…
They were draw two , two and need one minut and Alice have mark one goal and win the team of Alice after they went to eat an ice cream because were very tired after of game.
They understood that the most important thing was to be friends and respect their ideas and not fight end don’t compete.

Pau Cid Pegueroles 5st. 

In the world there are very strange animals. For exemple the “The mole of  star’s nose” or de “komodo’s dragon”

The mole of  star’s nose: This animal live in North America. He have twenty two octopus . With the twenty two octopus, he capture little insecs and earthworn.

The cocodrile of Ganjes:  The cocodrile of Ganjes, live in Nepal, India, Pakistan and Indochina. He eat fishes and mammals. He is harmless for the persons. He can measure 6 metres.

The Santo Tone shrew: This animal, was in endangered. He measure 16 centimetre, live in the island of the ocean atlantic, in the forests wet until 1.200 metres of height. He eat insecs.

The Chauliodus: He measure betwen 30 y 60  cm. He eat fishs and animals in the depth of the night. The scientists have confirmed that this fish is in the present the animal marine more omnipresent. He have tooth sharps.

The squierrel fliyng: This animal looks more like a bat that a squirrel. His size is looks like to a cat. He live in America. This animal mammal, eat insects and littles mammals. This animals have not the rabies. They can fly 45  metres.

The clow frog:  This animal live in area tropical, is an animal very beautiful because she has got irregular lines of colour purple. She eat beens and fly. Her temperature is of 22º.

   The marine cow: The marine cow is the littlest of  her family. She weigh 50 kg and measure 1,50 metres. This animal live in Mexico and are left than 150 marine cow. In Mexico there are one sculpture in the city called Tijuana.


The Grifo:  This mythological animal is from China. He has got heat of eagle and legs of  lion. His skin is of colour golden. He is the king of the shore and the air. He eat  meat of horse and the others mythicals animals.

Kappa:  They are from the size of a child. They look like to a tortoise and a human. They kidnap to childs and womans to eat.

The dragon: Is a animal very strong and he was fliyng. Also is known as the “big lizard”. He ate all the animals. The size of the dragon is 20 metres.
Ivan Gisbert 

In the year 1879, a woman called Carmmon visited a very big desert called Sahara.  She didn't find water. It was very sunny. There were small mountains called dunes, but there weren't trees, only very big camels. Carmon went witha red car 4x4 for the desert. She drank the water from the camel and she wanted to go to house. She felt very happy.

Isidre Cid.ç



The common eagle ray is a carnivorous bird that has wings and legs thin that go very of time                                              


The alcaudón royal is a specie of bird of the family of (laniidae). His find in the north of Europe, Asia y America the north.
Is a bird migratory that spend the winter in the south where live.
The alcaudon measure intro of 22 and 26  cm of long his part is of colour gray pearl.



The vulture is a bird predatory that is find in the peninsula Iberian.
 In the air go take for the flow thermal.



With a big bow flaming feathers with black tips, which unfolds in the excitement of courtship, is also provided with a long beak, curved, with which pierces the earth for worms and insect larvae. In flight, its broad rounded wings, beating irregularly, give the appearance of a giant butterfly. On land their march is elegant, whether walking, shaking his head as if it jogs slightly.


Pelicans are a genus of large water birds comprising the family Pelecanidae. They are characterised by a long beak and large throat pouch used in catching prey and draining water from the scooped up contents before swallowing. They have predominantly pale plumage, the exceptions being the Brown and Peruvian Pelicans.

The bills, pouches and bare facial skin of all species become brightly coloured before the breeding season. The eight living pelican species have a patchy global distribution, ranging latitudinally from the tropics to the temperate zone, though they are absent from interior South America as well as from polar regions and the open ocean.



The Great Bustard is in the bustard family, the only member of the genus Otis. It breeds in southern and central Europe, where it is the largest species of bird, and across temperate Asia. European populations are mainly resident, but Asian birds move further south in winter. Portugal and Spain now contain about 60% of the world's population.


 Pau Cid

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